Launch of the UPOV international certificate on plant variety protection

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The Office of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) announced the launch of the UPOV International Certificate on Plant Variety Protection (UPOV PVP Certificate).

UPOV has launched the UPOV PVP Certificate program to promote the acquisition of knowledge and recognition of expertise, as well as opportunities for continuous learning on PVP matters, connecting peers and creating expert networks

Why a UPOV PVP Certificate?
The UPOV PVP Certificate provides international recognition of knowledge and expertise in PVP matters. Holders of the UPOV PVP Certificate demonstrate to have followed a certain number of courses and contributed to activities concerning the UPOV Convention and its guidance, operation of a PVP Office and examination of applications, including DUS examination.

Who can obtain a UPOV PVP Certificate?
Participation to the UPOV PVP Certificate program is open for government officials from UPOV members and observers (see list of UPOV members:; and observers: .

Participants from the private sector will be welcome, subject to fee payment, in the next release of the program planned for 2025.

How does it work?
The UPOV PVP Certificate will be awarded to persons who acquire at least 50 credits from UPOV-endorsed training.

The list of endorsed training of the UPOV PVP Certificate program and application form is provided on the UPOV PVP Certificate webpage.

UPOV members providing training on plant variety protection are invited to join the UPOV PVP Certificate program

The UPOV PVP Certificate program was established to support UPOV members providing training on plant variety protection. If you are an authority, organization or academic entity in a UPOV member providing training on plant variety protection, you are invited to propose its inclusion in the UPOV PVP Certificate program.


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