Increased demand from growers for our semi-transparent solar panels

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Three sisters and a brother-in-law running a tech company together is a rare sight. This observation is made by ABN AMRO in conversation with Marceline, Florentine, and Kathelijn van Heijst, and brother-in-law Rik van Ogtrop. They took over the company, Hermans Energy Solutions, from father Dirk in 2019.

In conversation with the bank, they discuss why the company bears the name Hermans while they themselves are Van Heijsts, how they manage the blend of work and private life in the family business, and how they have navigated through the COVID-19 pandemic and energy crisis since taking over the company.

The company supplies various glass products, solar panels, and batteries. A significant driving force behind this appears to be father Dirk, but Rik also points to customer inquiries. “Due to rising gas prices and the desire to become more sustainable, for instance, there is more demand from growers for our semi-transparent solar panels. These are naturally perfect for greenhouses. Subsequently, they want to be able to store energy, leading us to explore if we could also offer that. This resulted in Hermans Technipower, which focuses on supplying batteries to businesses and consumers.”

During Kom in de Kas in Nootdorp (the Netherlands), a similar project with transparent solar panels was on display.

Hermans Techniek started as a supplier of pre-insulated pipes, buffer tanks, and heat exchangers in Kaatsheuvel. After being acquired by Dirk van Heijst in 2004, the company expanded its range to include various products: solar panels (Hermans Technisolar), energy-saving glass products and safety glass (Hermans Techniglaz), and batteries (Hermans Technipower).

Source: Financial Focus, ABN AMRO

For more information:
Hermans Technisolar
Weg en Bos 17
2661 DG Bergschenhoek, the Netherlands
Tel.: +31 (0)10 5241007
[email protected]

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