Breeder develops new long-lasting Gerbera

2 Min Read

The breeders at Schoveneld developed a uniform, long-lasting plant with particularly brightly colored flowers. Area manager Jerry van der Spek, responsible for customers in South America, is very proud of the result.

“The Gerbera has had a bad image for many years. Growers and customers were not satisfied, because of the lack of uniformity. The shelf life has never been very fantastic either. We thought as Schoneveld Breeding: we should be able to change that. And behold, we proudly present our Joybera. This is the new standard in the world of Gerberas.”

About the advantages of Gerbera Joybera, Jerry is particularly enthusiastic. “Due to its extremely good uniformity, the grower can harvest around 80% of the product the very first time. With another round week later, the entire production is easily harvested. There is also very little dropout rate.”

Splash of colour
“In addition, Joybera is a very attractive product for consumers. The plant produces a lot of flowers. There is an initial explosion of colour with often 3 or 4 flowers, followed by a second burst with another 3 or 4 flowers. 6 to 8 flowers at a minimum per plant is very common, although I also see some plants with more than 10 flowers!”

Long shelf life
Shelf life is also a welcome feature of Schoneveld Breeding’s new product. “Both on the shelf as with consumers, Joybera scores high on shelf life,” Jerry says. “Depending on watering and treatment by the end consumer, the shelf life of just the first flowers can already be as long as 4 or even 5 weeks. Truly unprecedented,” says a proud Jerry.

For more information:
Schoneveld Breeding

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